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July 09, 2019 8 min read

Hemp oil is the newest rage sweeping the nation.

People are putting CBD in their favorite beverages, placing drops under their tongue, and even serving it to their pets.

Why are so many people using hemp CBD oil, though?

Today, we look at everything you might possibly need to know about a product that is only getting popular as the years continue, with no end in sight.

Hemp oil, CBD topical creams, and even CBD products for pets have their uses.

It’s no wonder that over half of the people that try CBD keep using it in their daily routine long after their initial symptoms have been relieved.

We’re going to dive into the best ways to use hemp oil, the downfalls of other CBD products on the market, and why organic hemp oil is so important.

We’ll also touch on hemp’s dark past, the history it’s been through and some of the studies so far conducted on hemp oil’s many benefits. 

What are the Best Ways to Use Hemp Oil?

Some methods to get your daily serving of hemp oil are just better than others.

Using a CBD tincture for the most bioavailability and a CBD topical cream for target areas, for example, comes out to a potent combination of relief.


There’s a reason CBD tinctures are the most popular type of hemp product on the market right now next to topical creams.

They’re the most effective way to get the most out of every CBD oil bottle you can get.

Unfortunately, we don’t absorb all the CBD stated on a hemp oil product label.

Instead, our bodies are only capable of absorbing so much of that sized molecule.

Using proprietary technology to break down the molecules even further, Zilis CBD Oil is able to have the maximum bioavailability possible.

In fact, the full spectrum hemp oil from Zilis contains a powerful myriad of naturally occurring flavonoids, terpenes, fatty acids, and other phytocannabinoids.

This means those new to CBD can take a minimal serving size and gradually increase from there to really achieve the desired results.

The most cost-effective way to get your daily serving of CBD, tinctures are the efficient way to use hemp oil.

Topical Creams

Recommended as an addition to complement a powerful full spectrum CBD hemp tincture formula, topical creams are a great way to make the cannabinoids truly stretch.

Instead of building your tincture dose up too heavily as your tolerance increases, you can use a topical cream to apply directly to target areas and make the tincture stretch further.

Chronic pain, inflammation, muscle fatigue, and other sore spots across the body may just need some tender massaging with a CBD topical cream.

Paired with a tincture, many are finding that they don’t know of a better combination to help them get through the day. 

Downfalls of Other Types of Hemp Oil Products

Though there are a massive variety of different CBD products available – from gummies to CBD gum – most of them end up being smoke and mirrors.

Rather than providing any concentration of CBD that would provide relief or medicinal properties, most other hemp oil products fall short.

With less absorption per milligram of CBD, you end up wasting more product than you’re actually consuming and absorbing.

Products like CBD vape oils and other hemp oil products tend to have more ingredients and additives per bottle than a full spectrum tincture.

Instead of a long list of ingredients you’re unfamiliar with, for example, Zilis works hard to use the most minimal amount of ingredients possible for both their tinctures, topical creams, and other CBD products.

In conclusion, other types of hemp oil products are inferior to CBD tinctures you can dose with sublingually because you get more ingredients, less absorption and less quality overall. 

Benefits of Using Hemp Oil

There are a plethora of reasons people are taking advantage of both CBD hemp oil tinctures and topical CBD creams.

Without making any medical claims on the topic, we look at the Harris Poll’s most recent data from the end of March 2019.

55% say they have tried or use CBD for relaxation. 50% for stress and anxiety relief. 45% for improved sleep. 44% to relieve muscle pain. 39% to relieve chronic pain. 38% for joint pain.

The majority of CBD users, a wide margin of 55%, say they have tried or use CBD for relaxation. 50% of those polled also added that it was for stress or anxiety relief. 45% use it to improve their sleep schedule, 44% to relieve muscle pain, and 39% and 38% use it to relieve chronic pain or joint pain, respectively.

While these were the most popular answers, 22% or less of the CBD users surveyed reported using CBD for social use, to treat migraines, for spiritual use or to offset nausea, just for the novelty of it, for skincare, menstrual relief, sexual enhancement, and finally, to treat seizures.

That’s a lot of benefits being reported.

And while we’ll touch on some of the studies conducted so far, we’re excited to see more data researched about the benefits people say they’re already taking it for.

Why is Organic Hemp Oil So Important?

Hemp oil extracted only from organically grown hemp is a requirement to ensure your hemp oil is of the highest quality.

Hemp naturally absorbs elements around it, both good and bad, so organic is essential.

That’s why hemp has to be extracted within the United States under strict guidelines.

With our strict regulations in place, a hemp plant is sure to never meet heavy metals, pollutants, or other contaminants that lessen the quality of the final product.

Organic hemp oil gives you the seal of approval that that product has been properly tested by an independent, third-party laboratory.

Free of any contaminants, it’s been organically grown and tested for the correct cannabinoid content.

That means you can stay confident that it’s >.03% THC but rich in the other cannabinoids listed on the label.

Industrial hemp runs a higher risk of contamination, which is not a threat for an organic hemp oil.

Likewise, inorganic hemp oil may contain little to no cannabidiol at all, while organic hemp oil is rich in CBD and other cannabinoids.

Non-GMO, an organic hemp oil like the Zilis UltraCell is also free of pesticides and herbicides.

Hemp Oil for Cats, Dogs, and Your Other Furry Friends

Humans are not the only species that lucked out with an endocannabinoid system designed to naturally interact with CBD and other cannabinoids.

Dogs, cats, horses, rats, and many other mammals that we call our pets – or even family members – have an endocannabinoid system like ours.

Though they can have negative reactions to THC, a full spectrum hemp oil has only trace amounts of the psychoactive compound.

Many consumers across the country have started incorporating a xylitol free CBD oil into their pet’s food. Since Zilis UltraCell is pet-safe and water soluble, it can be hidden even more easily directly in their water.

To give them their serving of pet-safe organic hemp oil most efficiently, though, it can just be applied to their gums.

For a dog or cat under 20 pounds, 1 to 2 drops can be applied to the gums twice daily, with the dose increasing the bigger the pet is.

Has Hemp Oil Been Used Historically to Help People?

The hemp plant has been used for millennia by countless civilizations.

Though hemp oil as we know it is more recent, hemp seed oil is a substance that’s been cold pressed for thousands of years.

We can trace hemp cultivation for use as a textile fiber as far back as 8,000 BC. If you’re judging based on the rope imprints on broken Chinese pottery, it dates back all the way to 10,000 BC – yeah, we’ve been using hemp for a long time.

To date, hemp has historically had over 25 thousand uses, from painting to a fiber.

Hemp oil and hemp seed oil, specifically, has a massive variety of uses and benefits that keeps it rising in popularity even still.

In the words of Thomas Jefferson, a founding father and former President of the United States, “hemp is of first necessity to the wealth and protection of the country.”

...the 2018 Farm Bill makes hemp legal again for use, possession, and cultivation...

Now that the 2018 Farm Bill makes hemp legal again for cultivation, possession, and use, we can start heeding Jefferson’s words again.

Hemp’s History – Why Was Hemp Oil Illegal?

The short answer? Hemp oil and any other hemp product was illegal because of money.

DuPont had just started processing wood and petroleum for plastic, while Hearst owned 800 thousand acres of timberland – two industries, of which, are threatened because of hemp’s uses.

Newspaper mogul William Randolph Hearst as well as DuPont executives didn’t like that hemp cut into their market shares.

At the turn of the 20th century, Hearst, who is also credited for his part in the surge of “yellow journalism,” united with DuPont to stir the public into a frenzy over the plant.

Hemp, marijuana, and the rest of the cannabis plant family was tarnished as the “assassin of the youth,” outlawed unjustly because of sensationalism and the birth of “fake news.”

The hemp industry’s reputation was tarnished for decades, only recently making a comeback due to our newfound knowledge on its potential benefits.

Furthermore, we’re finally looking into hemp’s uses again, transforming it into the 25 thousand different things it can be.

What Studies are Being Conducted on the Benefits of Hemp Oil?

While we see hemp become more accepted across the country, we also see more research spring up on the subject.

As far as the benefits of hemp oil goes, there are a plethora of studies, clinical trials, and more information to back it up.

Though we still don’t pretend to make any medical claims, we’re going to touch on some of the most important studies history has seen on hemp oil so far.

Use for Anxiety and Sleep

Two of the biggest reasons people take CBD is to relieve their anxiety and improve their sleep – and a large case series on the subject may just help back those people up.

Published in January of 2019, the study’s objective was to determine if cannabidiol could help improve anxiety and/or sleep in a clinical population.

The case series was performed at a psychiatric clinic to 103 adult patients reporting sleep or anxiety complaints.

Instead of their usual treatment, CBD was clinically applied.

The retrospective chart review documented sleep and anxiety quality over the course of a few months.

The results?

In summary, 79.2% of those with anxiety had decreased levels after the first month that stayed decreased throughout the entire study duration. Likewise, 66.7% saw an improvement in sleep quality, though this fluctuated throughout the study duration.

Use for Inflammation and Pain

There isn’t just one study on CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties.

In fact, there are a variety of clinical trials on the very subject, though most are animal studies for the time being.

Research constantly returns that there’s a direct link with inflammatory relief and the endocannabinoid system that CBD interacts with.

There are anti-inflammatory properties of CBD for even allergic contact dermatitis, as we learned in these 2018 findings.

Just as heavy as inflammation, there are studies looking into CBD’s effects on pain relief.

Though it may not be a cure-all for all types of pain, research does lean towards CBD being effective for joint pain, pain-related behaviors in arthritic patients, and certain types of chronic pain.


There are more studies on the subject, with more being released each day on how CBD is beneficial to the human body.

Helpful for dogs, cats and other furry friends alike, it’s a product that’s finally safe enough for you and your pet to enjoy at the same time.

Whether you’re looking to relieve anxiety, treat pain, promote general wellness, or you’re looking to relieve another symptom we didn’t get to touch on in-depth, organic hemp oil tinctures and CBD topical creams are the best choice.

For the most effective product that genuinely works, don’t forget to check out both the Zilis CBD Oil and Zilis CBD Topicals. All of our CBD products are full spectrum.

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